Hypothyroidism Home Remedies
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Hypothyroidism - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
A common condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce adequate thyroid hormone is called as Hypothyroidism. It's a more common thyroid disorder among the people, far more common than hyperthyroidism (an over-active thyroid). Here's a detailed overview of hypothyroidism disease.
Hypothyroidism is often the end result of Hashimoto's disease, also called long-term thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid-gland). In this disease, the body's defense mechanism doesn't recognize that the thyroid gland is a part of your body's own tissues and starts attacking the thyroid-gland as if it were a foreign body. The attack by the body's immune system affects thyroid functionality and also sometimes damages the gland. Other reasons for hypothyroidism include:
• Radiation - Radioactive-iodine used to cure hyperthyroidism or any other radiation treatments for cancer near chest or neck region can damage the thyroid gland.
• Surgery - Removing thyroid gland due to cancer or any other thyroid gland disorders can lead to hypothyroidism.
• Viruses and bacteria - Microbial infections that depress the production of thyroid hormone usually trigger long term hypothyroidism.
• Medication - Lithium, iodides or nitroprussides can cause an under active thyroid. Patients who start using these medicines are observed closely by their physicians and this side-effect is quite rare.
• Malfunction of pituitary gland - This is usually a rare condition where the pituitary gland does not produce sufficient TSH to induce the production of T4 by thyroid gland.
Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms and the level of severity of the disease may vary greatly and depend upon the extent of thyroid deficiency. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
• Fatigue and body weakness
• Muscle cramps
• Constipation
• Unusual Weight gain or difficulty in losing weight
• Poor appetite
• Goiter (enlarged thyroid-gland)
• Dry skin and hair loss
• Irregular or even heavy menstruation.
• Depression and memory loss
• Sluggishness and slowed mental activity
• Increased blood ldl cholesterol levels
The history as well as physical examination usually reveals the typical signs and physical symptoms that suggest an under-active thyroid; however, laboratory analysis is essential to determine the reason behind hypothyroidism.
Diagnostic tests include testing the blood-levels of:
• TSH or Thyroid stimulating hormone - This hormone will probably be elevated in the event of hypothyroidism. The TSH check is the most sensitive examination for the proper diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
• Free T4 (free-thyroxin), T3 thyroid hormones - Thyroid hormonal levels in the blood will likely be low, however with minor, or "sub-clinical" hypothyroidism, the hormonal levels could be in the low standard range.
Hypothyroidism can be treated easily using thyroid hormone medication. The most efficient and trusted thyroid replacement hormone is synthetic or man-made hormone which contains levothyroxine. After commencing the treatment, you'll have regular sessions with your physician to ensure that you have the suitable dose of medication. In case your hypothyroidism is a result of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, you may require treatment throughout your lifetime.
Treatment while being pregnant is particularly crucial since thyroid problems may damage the fetus. If you ever develop hypothyroidism while pregnant, treatment needs to be started right away. If you've hypothyroidism before you get pregnant, your thyroid hormonal changes have to be examined and appropriate medicines should be taken.
Some other natural treatment options are also available to treat this condition. Consuming kelp, a rich source of iodine is one of the natural remedies. Vitamin B-complex, zinc, L-tyrosine, selenium, Bladderwrack are some other natural treatment options for hypothyroidism. Regular exercise and balanced diet are also crucial if you have thyroid issues.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
Brief Introduction to Hypothyroidism: Understanding the Most Under-Diagnosed Medical Condition
Hypothyroidism is a condition wherein the thyroid gland fails to produce the sufficient amount thyroid hormone. Iodine deficiency is found to be a common trigger to the thyroid gland's malfunction. As of 2011, an estimate of about 200 million people around the world have been diagnosed with it. 10% of this population are mostly likely female.
A brief overview:
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ situated in the front area of the neck. The hormone it generates is responsible for controlling the body's usage of energy. Simply put, it manages your metabolism.
Having a low-iodine diet increases the gland's susceptibility to damage. This mostly occurs in regions where a nutrient-packed meal cannot be afforded by most people on a regular basis. Such would include a majority of third world countries.
"Nutritional" hypothyroidism is rare in countries like the US. But nevertheless, an approximate of 10 million Americans still suffer from having an underactive thyroid gland. Instead of lack in iodine, autoimmune thyroiditis is a common culprit in cases in the US. Otherwise known as Hashimoto's disease, the problem lies in the body's immune system. Antibodies attack the gland and weakens it until it is ultimately rendered incapable of producing enough hormones.
Another cause is the surgical removal of some, if not all, of the thyroid gland's portions. Naturally, the more is taken from the gland, the more it minimizes secretion of hormones. The method of taking out the gland is performed to treat thyroid cancer.
Are there common symptoms?
Hypothyroidism does not project obvious symptoms on the onset that's why it goes unnoticed until later in the person's 50s. A damaged thyroid gland usually doesn't induce pain.
Since the hormone's main function is to keep the body's metabolism in check, fatigue and weight gain are common indicators for the condition. People with poor gland function are prone to drowsiness and depression. Their physical appearance is affected, too. They tend to have dry skin and brittle nails. And even when they eat normally, they will still pack some pounds and will find it difficult to shed them off since the body cannot produce the necessary levels of energy to stimulate active metabolic rates.
If not given treatment, the body will continue to decline, as evidenced by impaired senses of smell and taste. The affected person will eventually develop sluggish speech.
Who is affected and how is it treated?
The condition normally appears later in adulthood. There have been reported cases of hypothyroidism in children and teenagers, although seldom occurring.
However, women remain in higher risks of thyroid hormone deficiency. It is an effect of pregnancy wherein the body's hormone levels are in a constant state of flux. The imbalance might not normalize even after pregnancy, thus the disorder.
What's good about hypothyroidism is that it is easy to detect and also easy to treat.
Should symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor. A physical exam and blood test can determine if your thyroid hormone level is lower than required. If it is, an immediate treatment would be a prescribed dosage of thyroid hormone pills to improve it.
Severe, untreated hypothyroidism might lead to myxedema coma and is treated with hormone replacement and steroid medications.
It may seem harmless in its initial state, but hypothyroidism can greatly affected your lifestyle if you don't do something about it. The best treatment is always prevention. Eat the right food with the right amount of nutrients. Do not ignore any symptoms, if there be. Remember: to be healthy, live healthy.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
Things You Should Know About Hypothyroidism and its Causes
Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid gland is unable to produce normal quantities of thyroid hormones and therefore the result is decreased metabolism, impaired growth and feeling of lack of energy and fatigue.
Types of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is classified according to the organ which is causing it. The various types are termed as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hypothyroidism.
Primary Hypothyroidism
Primary Hypothyroidism refers to that form of hypothyroidism which is caused due to some disease of the thyroid gland that prevents it from producing the thyroid hormones. This includes Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and damages its cells.
Radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism can cause excessive damage to the cells of thyroid gland and may result in hypothyroidism.
Secondary Hypothyroidism
Secondary Hypothyroidism is caused by a disease of the pituitary gland. Pituitary gland secretes the hormone that stimulates the thyroid and is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. If the pituitary gland has some disease, tumor or is damaged by surgery, it will result in impaired formation of thyroid stimulating hormone and thus decreased production of thyroid hormones.
Tertiary Hypothyroidism
Tertiary Hypothyroidism is caused by insufficient synthesis of thyrotropin releasing hormone from the Hypothalamus, which controls the pituitary and in turn controls the thyroid gland function.
Common Causes of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism has many causes. It is significant that in order to stay away from hypothyroidism, you should have in mind all the factors that may lead to this disease. Following is an account of the various causes of hypothyroidism:
Insufficient Iodine in Diet
The most common cause is dietary insufficiency of iodine. Iodine is the most necessary component of thyroid hormones and the major source of iodine is your diet. If you are not eating enough iodine in your food, thyroid hormones cannot be produced and you will suffer from hypothyroidism. This type of hypothyroidism results in goiter or swelling of the thyroid gland as incomplete form of thyroid hormone is stored in the thyroid gland and the size of the gland increases and appears as a lump in front of the neck.
Hashimoto's Disease
An autoimmune disease, Hashimoto's disease involves destruction of thyroid gland by the body's own immune system. Antibodies are produced against the cells of the thyroid gland which ultimately destroy the cells.
Radiation Exposure
Hypothyroidism can also be caused by exposure to radiation. If you are exposed to radiation, it causes the iodine in your body to become radioactive too. This radioactive iodine becomes concentrated in the thyroid gland and causes destruction of its cells. Therefore hypothyroidism can be a symptom of radiation exposure.
Post-Partum Hypothyroidism
Sometimes hypothyroidism is caused after pregnancy, often known as post-partum hypothyroidism. In this condition a female develops thyroiditis or inflammation of the thyroid gland after delivery, which at first presents as hyperthyroidism and then progresses to hypothyroidism. This is often temporary but some women may get it permanently.
High Iodine Intake
High iodine intake can also cause hypothyroidism. If you are taking too much iodine it paradoxically decreases the usage of iodine. This is due to a phenomenon called Wolff- Chaikoff effect which states that high concentration of iodine prevents its organification and the body is unable incorporate iodine into tyrosine to form the thyroid hormones. This results in hypothyroidism.
Chronic Stress and Hormonal Imbalance
Constant and chronic stress can induce hypothyroidism by affecting the hormonal balance in the body. Stress releases adrenaline which causes fluctuation in the blood sugar levels. This tends to disrupt thyroid function. Cortisol, another stress hormone causes hypothyroidism by reducing the ability of liver to clear estrogen formed during stress. High estrogen levels decrease levels of active T3 hormone. Therefore stress is a significant suppressor of thyroid function, thereby decreasing the production of thyroid hormones.
Preventing Hypothyroidism
Thyroid gland controls metabolism by the secretion of hormones. If these hormones are not produced in adequate quantity, it causes hypothyroidism. Diet, drugs, various diseases and lifestyle factors can affect the function of this highly important gland which can be prevented by taking adequate precautions in diet and lifestyle by reducing stress and eating healthy foods.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
written by: nelson.seafoss
Types of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is classified according to the organ which is causing it. The various types are termed as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hypothyroidism.
Primary Hypothyroidism
Primary Hypothyroidism refers to that form of hypothyroidism which is caused due to some disease of the thyroid gland that prevents it from producing the thyroid hormones. This includes Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and damages its cells.
Radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism can cause excessive damage to the cells of thyroid gland and may result in hypothyroidism.
Secondary Hypothyroidism
Secondary Hypothyroidism is caused by a disease of the pituitary gland. Pituitary gland secretes the hormone that stimulates the thyroid and is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. If the pituitary gland has some disease, tumor or is damaged by surgery, it will result in impaired formation of thyroid stimulating hormone and thus decreased production of thyroid hormones.
Tertiary Hypothyroidism
Tertiary Hypothyroidism is caused by insufficient synthesis of thyrotropin releasing hormone from the Hypothalamus, which controls the pituitary and in turn controls the thyroid gland function.
Common Causes of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism has many causes. It is significant that in order to stay away from hypothyroidism, you should have in mind all the factors that may lead to this disease. Following is an account of the various causes of hypothyroidism:
Insufficient Iodine in Diet
The most common cause is dietary insufficiency of iodine. Iodine is the most necessary component of thyroid hormones and the major source of iodine is your diet. If you are not eating enough iodine in your food, thyroid hormones cannot be produced and you will suffer from hypothyroidism. This type of hypothyroidism results in goiter or swelling of the thyroid gland as incomplete form of thyroid hormone is stored in the thyroid gland and the size of the gland increases and appears as a lump in front of the neck.
Hashimoto's Disease
An autoimmune disease, Hashimoto's disease involves destruction of thyroid gland by the body's own immune system. Antibodies are produced against the cells of the thyroid gland which ultimately destroy the cells.
Radiation Exposure
Hypothyroidism can also be caused by exposure to radiation. If you are exposed to radiation, it causes the iodine in your body to become radioactive too. This radioactive iodine becomes concentrated in the thyroid gland and causes destruction of its cells. Therefore hypothyroidism can be a symptom of radiation exposure.
Post-Partum Hypothyroidism
Sometimes hypothyroidism is caused after pregnancy, often known as post-partum hypothyroidism. In this condition a female develops thyroiditis or inflammation of the thyroid gland after delivery, which at first presents as hyperthyroidism and then progresses to hypothyroidism. This is often temporary but some women may get it permanently.
High Iodine Intake
High iodine intake can also cause hypothyroidism. If you are taking too much iodine it paradoxically decreases the usage of iodine. This is due to a phenomenon called Wolff- Chaikoff effect which states that high concentration of iodine prevents its organification and the body is unable incorporate iodine into tyrosine to form the thyroid hormones. This results in hypothyroidism.
Chronic Stress and Hormonal Imbalance
Constant and chronic stress can induce hypothyroidism by affecting the hormonal balance in the body. Stress releases adrenaline which causes fluctuation in the blood sugar levels. This tends to disrupt thyroid function. Cortisol, another stress hormone causes hypothyroidism by reducing the ability of liver to clear estrogen formed during stress. High estrogen levels decrease levels of active T3 hormone. Therefore stress is a significant suppressor of thyroid function, thereby decreasing the production of thyroid hormones.
Preventing Hypothyroidism
Thyroid gland controls metabolism by the secretion of hormones. If these hormones are not produced in adequate quantity, it causes hypothyroidism. Diet, drugs, various diseases and lifestyle factors can affect the function of this highly important gland which can be prevented by taking adequate precautions in diet and lifestyle by reducing stress and eating healthy foods.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
written by: nelson.seafoss
Hypothyroidism and Its Various Treatment Approaches
The conventional model of treatment is based on supplementing the hormone that is deficient in the body. There are other modes of treatment too, practiced by alternative health professionals who do so by providing certain natural thyroid hormone supplements.
Here are some of the common forms of treatments
Treatment Using T4 (Thyroxine) Supplementation
This is the most common mode of treatment practiced by majority of the doctors. T4 is the non active form of thyroid hormone and it is believed that the body cells can convert it to T3, the active thyroid hormone. Various prescriptions medicines such as Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothyroxine etc. are used to supplement T4.
Treatment Using Iodine Supplementation
Another common method to treat hypothyroidism is by using iodine supplements. This method is based on the belief that all cases of hypothyroidism manifested as goiter are caused due to iodine deficiency. However, this may be the case historically, but nowadays, majority of cases of goiter are caused due to excessive estrogen hormone preventing the release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland.
Treatment of Hypothyroidism: The Natural Way
What you eat has a great impact on your thyroid gland and its optimal function. Eating the right foods can actually correct the underlying problem in your thyroid gland. Eating right also involves avoiding those foods which may cause a negative impact on the functioning of your thyroid gland. One such food is soy as it increases the production of estrogen hormone in your body which in turn leads to hypothyroidism.
A 3 step approach
Step 1: Dietary modifications
A well balanced and nutritious diet is very important to maintain healthy body and mind including the thyroid gland. The functioning of thyroid gland is disrupted if you do not take all the necessary nutrients required by your body in your diet. Apart from eating the necessary nutrients, dietary modifications also involve avoiding those foods which inhibit the functioning of thyroid gland thereby leading to hypothyroidism.
Step 2: Lifestyle Modifications
Stress plays an important role in inhibiting the functioning of thyroid gland. Hence, controlling stress through various lifestyle modifications can go a long way in healing your thyroid gland.
Step 3: Balanced Hormonal Levels
Our body's hormonal system is very complex and intertwined. Hence, if level of one hormone is off track as in hypothyroidism, it also affects the levels of several other hormones. The dietary and lifestyle modifications though work in maintaining this balance; still, your body may require some temporary hormonal supplements to speed up the process of healing of the thyroid gland.
Advantages of Following this Natural Dietary and Lifestyle Approach to Treat Hypothyroidism:
1.Symptoms of hypothyroidism start improving thus leading to a better quality of life. However the improvement is gradual and not overnight.
2.There is gradual increase in body energy and motivation.
3.One of the important symptoms of hypothyroidism is mental fogginess due to improper sugar storage. Glucose or sugar is vital for the functioning of brain. One of the biggest improvements with this approach that the sugar storage functions of liver improves providing the much needed sugar to brain. Hence, your mental fogginess gives way to mental clarity.
4.You are able to decrease both the physical and mental stress levels, thereby increasing your capability to handle stress of any kind.
5.You will also decrease your risk of developing various types of cancer apart from getting cured of hypothyroidism.
6.If you are overweight, you will be able to gradually lose weight and also manage it in the long run. Most of the weight loss programs prevalent today put much stress on the body, including the thyroid gland, thus suppressing it. As a result your metabolism slow down and makes the weight loss difficult and temporary. However by following the natural approach, your hormones become normal and your metabolism is increased. As a result you lose weight gradually and permanently.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
Here are some of the common forms of treatments
Treatment Using T4 (Thyroxine) Supplementation
This is the most common mode of treatment practiced by majority of the doctors. T4 is the non active form of thyroid hormone and it is believed that the body cells can convert it to T3, the active thyroid hormone. Various prescriptions medicines such as Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothyroxine etc. are used to supplement T4.
Treatment Using Iodine Supplementation
Another common method to treat hypothyroidism is by using iodine supplements. This method is based on the belief that all cases of hypothyroidism manifested as goiter are caused due to iodine deficiency. However, this may be the case historically, but nowadays, majority of cases of goiter are caused due to excessive estrogen hormone preventing the release of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland.
Treatment of Hypothyroidism: The Natural Way
What you eat has a great impact on your thyroid gland and its optimal function. Eating the right foods can actually correct the underlying problem in your thyroid gland. Eating right also involves avoiding those foods which may cause a negative impact on the functioning of your thyroid gland. One such food is soy as it increases the production of estrogen hormone in your body which in turn leads to hypothyroidism.
A 3 step approach
Step 1: Dietary modifications
A well balanced and nutritious diet is very important to maintain healthy body and mind including the thyroid gland. The functioning of thyroid gland is disrupted if you do not take all the necessary nutrients required by your body in your diet. Apart from eating the necessary nutrients, dietary modifications also involve avoiding those foods which inhibit the functioning of thyroid gland thereby leading to hypothyroidism.
Step 2: Lifestyle Modifications
Stress plays an important role in inhibiting the functioning of thyroid gland. Hence, controlling stress through various lifestyle modifications can go a long way in healing your thyroid gland.
Step 3: Balanced Hormonal Levels
Our body's hormonal system is very complex and intertwined. Hence, if level of one hormone is off track as in hypothyroidism, it also affects the levels of several other hormones. The dietary and lifestyle modifications though work in maintaining this balance; still, your body may require some temporary hormonal supplements to speed up the process of healing of the thyroid gland.
Advantages of Following this Natural Dietary and Lifestyle Approach to Treat Hypothyroidism:
1.Symptoms of hypothyroidism start improving thus leading to a better quality of life. However the improvement is gradual and not overnight.
2.There is gradual increase in body energy and motivation.
3.One of the important symptoms of hypothyroidism is mental fogginess due to improper sugar storage. Glucose or sugar is vital for the functioning of brain. One of the biggest improvements with this approach that the sugar storage functions of liver improves providing the much needed sugar to brain. Hence, your mental fogginess gives way to mental clarity.
4.You are able to decrease both the physical and mental stress levels, thereby increasing your capability to handle stress of any kind.
5.You will also decrease your risk of developing various types of cancer apart from getting cured of hypothyroidism.
6.If you are overweight, you will be able to gradually lose weight and also manage it in the long run. Most of the weight loss programs prevalent today put much stress on the body, including the thyroid gland, thus suppressing it. As a result your metabolism slow down and makes the weight loss difficult and temporary. However by following the natural approach, your hormones become normal and your metabolism is increased. As a result you lose weight gradually and permanently.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
What is Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is a common problem faced by millions of people around the world. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid glands fail to produce enough hormones. In such a condition, the hormones fail to stimulate the metabolism system of the body and slow down the processes of the body. Various research carried by medical experts have deduced that the occurrence of Hypothyroidism is more common among people above the age group of fifty years that in a lesser age group bracket, but it does not mean that people who are less averse to it will stop taking precautions. Hypothyroidism increases the cholesterol level and makes a person more immune to heart disease and diabetes.
Certain symptoms of Hypothyroidism in the initial stages may include weakness of the body, mental fatigue, and increase in the normal weight, depressive behavior, headache, and stomach pain, feeling excessive cold, pains in the body, pain in the joints, Constipation, hair fall, brittle nails, pale face, muscle pain and more. These are some of the normal symptoms that one can go through while facing Hypothyroidism.
In the later stage when the problem increases, the symptoms may include a loss of memory, improper speech condition, drowsiness, dizziness, memory loss in frequent periods, irregular menstrual condition, dry skin, loss of appetite, muscles spasms and more. Pregnant women will have regular spells of dizziness and children will have to suffer from various developmental problems like stagnant height, excessive weight gain and memory problems.
Causes of Hypothyroidism:
As mentioned earlier, Hypothyroidism is a common disease and may occur due to a variety of reasons. It may occur due to unhealthy and unhygienic eating habits leading to thyroid problems. Eating sugary or starchy food and junk foods may often give trouble to the thyroid glands. Surgical removal of the entire thyroid glands, chronic stress, Autoimmune Diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis that can appear suddenly and radiation treatment, which tends to harm the thyroid glands are some of the other causes that may cause Hypothyroidism.
Congenital Hypothyroidism, a term used when a child is born without a thyroid gland or has a dysfunctional one is also quite common among children. Viral or Autoimmune Thyroiditis leads to Hypothyroidism and so does any disease in the Pituitary gland. Certain medications like Lithium and interferon alpha have also been known to cause side-effects causing Hypothyroidism. Other causes may include consuming low or no iodine and infiltration by bacterial agents that harm the thyroid glands.
Hypothyroid Treatment
One of the most common treatments recommended by doctors is to replace the thyroxine with another thyroid hormone called levothyroxine. This option is very safe and does not require you to incur huge expenses on medical bills. But for this, the metabolism rate of the body is needed to be checked to make it normal and only then it should be done. There are various other treatments that are available too, but this particular treatment is considered much safer than the rest. Natural treatments are also available, but that depends on the severity of your condition. If levothyroxine is just on stage one, these treatments are often found to be beneficial.
Hypothyroidism is not an incurable disease and with time, medications and precautions, the treatments will be helpful in the long-term. The most important part to consider is that you must immediately consult a doctor in case you start seeing the symptoms.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
Certain symptoms of Hypothyroidism in the initial stages may include weakness of the body, mental fatigue, and increase in the normal weight, depressive behavior, headache, and stomach pain, feeling excessive cold, pains in the body, pain in the joints, Constipation, hair fall, brittle nails, pale face, muscle pain and more. These are some of the normal symptoms that one can go through while facing Hypothyroidism.
In the later stage when the problem increases, the symptoms may include a loss of memory, improper speech condition, drowsiness, dizziness, memory loss in frequent periods, irregular menstrual condition, dry skin, loss of appetite, muscles spasms and more. Pregnant women will have regular spells of dizziness and children will have to suffer from various developmental problems like stagnant height, excessive weight gain and memory problems.
Causes of Hypothyroidism:
As mentioned earlier, Hypothyroidism is a common disease and may occur due to a variety of reasons. It may occur due to unhealthy and unhygienic eating habits leading to thyroid problems. Eating sugary or starchy food and junk foods may often give trouble to the thyroid glands. Surgical removal of the entire thyroid glands, chronic stress, Autoimmune Diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis that can appear suddenly and radiation treatment, which tends to harm the thyroid glands are some of the other causes that may cause Hypothyroidism.
Congenital Hypothyroidism, a term used when a child is born without a thyroid gland or has a dysfunctional one is also quite common among children. Viral or Autoimmune Thyroiditis leads to Hypothyroidism and so does any disease in the Pituitary gland. Certain medications like Lithium and interferon alpha have also been known to cause side-effects causing Hypothyroidism. Other causes may include consuming low or no iodine and infiltration by bacterial agents that harm the thyroid glands.
Hypothyroid Treatment
One of the most common treatments recommended by doctors is to replace the thyroxine with another thyroid hormone called levothyroxine. This option is very safe and does not require you to incur huge expenses on medical bills. But for this, the metabolism rate of the body is needed to be checked to make it normal and only then it should be done. There are various other treatments that are available too, but this particular treatment is considered much safer than the rest. Natural treatments are also available, but that depends on the severity of your condition. If levothyroxine is just on stage one, these treatments are often found to be beneficial.
Hypothyroidism is not an incurable disease and with time, medications and precautions, the treatments will be helpful in the long-term. The most important part to consider is that you must immediately consult a doctor in case you start seeing the symptoms.
To learn more about Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism, please check out the Hypothyroidsim Solution.
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